Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 03: A film you currently want to see.

This 1949 film-noir is considered one of the best film-noirs of all time. Holly Martins, a pulp novelist travels down to Vienna after one of his old friends, Harry Lime, dies mysteriously. Holly is now thrown into the investigation to get to the bottom of his friends death.

"The Third Man"currently holds the highest rating a movie can hold on, 100%, with an audience liking of 94%. A modest run-time of 104 minutes, this movie is currently at the top of my list and I anticipate to watch it soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Day 02: A film released on the same year that you were born

Not too much to say about this movie. It's a masterpiece. It's absolutely brilliant. One of Scorsese's best. All-star cast. You will be on the edge of your seat and laughing at the same time. Go see it if you haven't already.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 01: The last film you saw at the cinema

Do yourself a favor and don't watch any trailers for this movie. I know...I todays day and age of ridiculous movie prices the movie goer wants to know what they are getting into, but trust all the positive feedback this film has gotten. The trailer also gives off a "fake-out" for what kind of movie this is. This is a realistic, violent, gritty movie, which is far from what the trailer makes it out to be, so far in fact that some lady out in "who gives a damn" sued the film for not being what she expected it to be. If you must know what the film is about, here is a very, very brief explanation. Ryan Gosling plays a stunt car driver who gets involved in some...stuff...enough said.

It's rated R, and for good reason, so don't take your kids to go see it. The violence is real and hits you over the head when you least expect it. It starts out slow but quickly switches gears and goes from 0 to 100 in a heartbeat. The realism in this movie keeps you glued to the screen the entire time.

This film is a breath of fresh air for those of us that are looking for something more than the average Hollywood popcorn movies. It has a different feel to it due to the fact that it pays homage to 80's B-Movies with a tinge of classic Western film elements.

The acting is superb. Ryan Gosling was already a favorite of mine from Blue Valentine, but it's almost like he was born to play this role. I can't say enough good things about this movie. If you can stand the realistic, gritty violence, then Drive is the film for you.

The Rules

So let's see if I can finally finish something. I've found this online and hopefully it will keep me blogging from 100 days straight. Here are the rules:

100 Day Film Challenge

Day 01: The last film you saw at the cinema.

Day 02: A film released on the same year that you were born.

Day 03: A film you currently want to see.

Day 04: A film released when you were ten years old.

Day 05: A film you watched with your parents.

Day 06: One of the first films you saw at the cinema.

Day 07: A film that hasn’t got a sequel, but should.

Day 08: The last film you watched.

Day 09: Your favourite animated film.

Day 10: A great film from the 80′s

Day 11: A film starring someone you think is attractive. (Who is it?)

Day 12: A film based in your country of residence.

Day 13: A great film from the 70′s.

Day 14: One of your favourite films.

Day 15: A film you can practically quote word for word.

Day 16: A film that had a great trailer, but was rubbish.

Day 17: A film you like, but a friend dosen’t.

Day 18: A film that made you cry.

Day 19: A film you thought was totally rubbish.

Day 20: A film starring someone who is more know as a singer. (Who is it?)

Day 21: A film starring a poor actor/actress.

Day 22: A film lasting over 2 hours.

Day 23: A film you thought was really funny.

Day 24: A great film from the 90′s.

Day 25: A good film based on a true story.

Day 26: A film everyone seems to have seen, but you haven’t.

Day 27: A scary film.

Day 28: A film that shouldn’t of had a sequel.

Day 29: A great film from the noughties.

Day 30: A great old film.

Day 31: A film you think most people have forgotten about.

Day 32: A film set in the future.

Day 33: A great film released this year.

Day 34: A film set at sea.

Day 35: A film with a number in the title. (Not a sequel).

Day 36: A musical film you’ve seen.

Day 37: A film with a great soundtrack.

Day 38: A film with a good DVD/VHS cover. (Post image if you can)

Day 39: A film you’ve watched lots of times.

Day 40: A good film that never went to the cinema.

Day 41: A film in the cinema now, you want to see.

Day 42: A film in the cinema now, you have no interest in watching.

Day 43: A film you think is over rated.

Day 44: A film peple wouldn’t expect you to like, but you do

Day 45: A good Sci-fi film.

Day 46: A film with rubbish effects.

Day 47: A film not yet realeased you want to watch.

Day 48: A good Christmas film.

Day 49: A film starring one of your favourite actors/actress.

Day 50: A film with an animal as the main star.

Day 51: A film that is a remake.

Day 52: A film starring an actor/actress who is dead.

Day 53: A film with a great quote in it. (Quote the quote).

Day 54: A great film that is black & white.

Day 55: A film that at first left you a little confused.

Day 56: A good war film.

Day 57: A film that was released when you were five years old.

Day 58: A film previously posted by another user of this site, that you liked.

Day 59: A film that is good, but is let down by the ending.

Day 60: A random film.

Day 61: A film you think is under rated.

Day 62: A good childrens film.

Day 63: A wierd film.

Day 64: A film that bores you.

Day 65: A film that your friend likes, but you don’t.

Day 66: A film that you think would have been better with another actor/actress. (Who should have starred in it?)

Day 67: An old film that should be re-made.

Day 68: A film you have never watched, but know you won’t like.

Day 69: A film with a sad ending.

Day 70: A film with a great twist at the end.

Day 71: A good film, classed as a chick-flick.

Day 72: A film with a really funny scene. (What is the scene?)

Day 73: A film you like where the main actor/actress is the opposite sex than you. (Who’s the actor/actress?)

Day 74: A good film that is in a trilogy or more.

Day 75: A good ‘Man’ film.

Day 76: A film you thought was going to be rubbish, but was proven wrong.

Day 77: A good ‘Rom-Com’.

Day 78: A film packed with action.

Day 79: A film you watched with an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.

Day 80: A film you like where the main actor/actress is a different race than you.

Day 81: A great British film.

Day 82: A great Disney film.

Day 83: A film released the same year as the very last film mentioned on this page.

Day 84: A film released when you were fifteen.

Day 85: A film starring an actor/actress who was born the same year as you. (Who is the actor/actress?)

Day 86: A film set over 100 years ago.

Day 87: A film starring Eddie Murphy.

Day 88: A film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Day 89: A film for Halloween.

Day 90: An animated film that is not by Disney.

Day 91: A comedy that was not funny.

Day 92: The first film you come across searching todays TV guide.

Day 93: A film you own, but have never watched.

Day 94: A film you think hardly anyone else on this site has seen.

Day 95: A film starring Tom Hanks.

Day 96: A dead actors/actress last ever film.

Day 97: A film an actors/actress first ever film.

Day 98: A film that went on too long.

Day 99: A film with very few characters.

Day 100: I have completed ‘The 100 Day Movie Challenge’, so for no reason I deserve to post this clip of a movie, just because I can.